Lewis Horticulture can supply you with the varieties that produce the fig fruit that the market place is seeking. Our multi award winning and accredited nursery has the Fig Tree genetics that you need to be successful
Buy your stock from a multi award winning and accredited nursery. We have been producing quality plants for growers all over Australia since 1973
We are a Second Generation Family Business growing with you. We want you to succeed and we can help you achieve your goals. Our experience will become your knowledge and we are here to support you in your Fig Tree growing journey. Our nursery can supply you with the Fig Trees you need to succeed.
Producing quality container grown plants in our nursery, including Fig Trees, for growers and farmers throughout Australia since 1973
Phone 08 8380 9598 or Email figs@lewishorticulture.com.au
Lewis Horticulture - Let's grow Figs together
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